Postpartum is no joke!
I made padsicles, got pads with wings so they wouldn’t bunch and make me leak, I bought depends and big granny panties. I prepared everything for being swollen because I tend to swell, A LOT. I heard a lot of advice saying buy this and that but I decided to wait to see what the hospital gave me and what I liked and what I’d run out of and need more of. SO glad I did!
Turns out I got a terrible terrible yeast infection when I was leaving the hospital... so the wings from the pads hurt like heck!!! I thought I was having an allergic reaction to the dermaplast (which was so wonderful) so I had to stop using that.

I got these throwaway underwear and wore one pair for about 10 minutes before wanting to rip them off because they just rubbed against the rash. I preferred the mesh underwear from the hospital much more! But I had a friend that preferred the depends. So it's really just what's comfortable for you.
I started out with Always Overnight Ultathin 5 Pads with Wings to make Padsicles.
Then after I discovered my yeast infection I bought Always Infinity Size 3 after using up the hospital mega sized ones. Then I couldn't find anymore of the Infinity ones... But seriously loved those ones. They're very light, absorbent and soft. So then I got Always Ultrathin Size 3 then eventually switched to a 1 as the bleeding got lighter and lighter. Then I started using panty liners when the bleeding was inconsistent and very light. I loved the Always Extra Long.
Like all things pregnancy, birth, recovering and baby's we are all different. Not in just our preferences but how our bodies react. I'm sure if you're expecting or just had a baby you're getting loads of advice (and I hear it doesn't stop haha) without even asking. I usually take everything with a grain of salt and know people are just trying to care for you. Even though you might not need all the information being thrown at you it's nice to know theres many different options. So just because it worked for me it might not be your favorite or you may not even need it.
My Essentials
»Adding witch hazel, aloe, lavender EO to my peri bottle every time I used the bathroom. I didn't feel the need to buy one aside from the one the hospital gave me. It worked just fine for me. But I've heard a lot of mamas enjoyed the Mom Frida brand. It's available at Target too incase you don't want to buy ahead of time and have someone pick it up for you after you come home. Make sure if you use witch hazel for anything its alcohol free, don't need a burning sensation down there.
»Moisturizing with Vaseline because dude it’s itchy and dry down there & then spraying Claraderm. It’s so soothing and helps the heeling process. Especially because I couldn't use the Dermaplast.
»Having handsani in every room because I had to be extra careful not to spread the yeast infection to my breasts and the baby. And you know it’s flu season and your guests will not always wash their hands...Sad but true.
»The HAAKKA is a saving grace!!! I leaked like crazy! I caught 3oz the first time I used it! I Started my milk storage without even pumping. It helped with the soreness and the rock hard boobs when your milk first comes in.

»Love the app Baby Tracker! I started with a notebook and paper trying to track down when she ate, which side and for how long and all the times we had changed diapers. It was more work than necessary so someone suggested downloading an app. When you’re beyond sleep deprived it’s the little things that help!

»Nipple butter, I think you know why! I love Badger's because its edible so you don't need to wash it off before feeding, its organic and smells wonderful.
»Meds and supplements for pain and postpartum anxiety. Didn’t think I’d be struggling with my body this much!! My chest tightened, my heart beat so fast and I could barely breath. It was so confusing to be so incandescently happy and be crying like a faucet unable to breath. I was and still am so thankful for friends who dropped off things to help me and sent me encouraging scriptures. And a husband and family that surrounded me in prayer and laughter. I'd love to talk more about my postpartum anxiety and recovery eventually too.
»Have snacks and water everywhere! I had pretzels by my bed when I have to get up during the night to nurse for weeks. Have water on every table! Seriously drink drink drink! Eventually I got tired of filling up a glass every time I woke up or simply forgot so I bought a 32 insulated water bottle.
All this to say our body goes through a crapload during pregnancy, birth and now during what they call the fourth trimester. It’s a whirlwind! Everyone’s body is so different but definitely surround yourself with a good support system, take a little time for yourself mama (even it’s a run to Target for pads or a few extra minutes in the shower) and know there’s grace for today.