Went in for my 39 week ob appointment and I was 3cm dilated and fully effaced! Wahooo. I was very very swollen (could barely fit into flip flops or any slipper) and my blood pressure was slightly high. So they kept checking me for preeclampsia. All week I tried to induce labor naturally with tea, bouncing, exercising, massages, essential oils, baths, spicy food, long walks. I had contractions that kept increasing but never became regular. Friday night they turned into the 5-1-1 and I told Jeff let's wait 15 more minutes to make sure I'm in labor before we call. Within minutes they were totally gone.
Saturday I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill, the bike and bounced. I tried pumping, curb walking, I kept applying oils and squatting. That evening we went to my parents house to hangout with my sister and I ate spicy tacos for dinner and dates for dessert. I was so stuffed!!!
That night went to bed and had more contractions... I prayed that God would tell me I was really going into labor for real. Either make my water break or stop these contractions I asked. I started cramping again as I got into bed around 11:30! Right before trying to fall asleep I went to the bathroom, of course haha. Then I got into bed and sneezed. Awww man, I peed... happens all the time. As soon as I got up to go to the bathroom yet again I felt a huge gush of water and I knew it was happening. We called the doctor and because I was GBS positive they told me to come in right away to start the antibiotics. We made the bed, threw a few more things in the suitcase, took out the trash and headed to the hospital. This was it! We're actually having a baby!!
We got to the hospital around 12:30am. They confirmed I had ruptured and started my IV . Went through all the boring medical paper work! My contractions got a little more than just cramps but I thought these aren't that bad I guess I'll try to sleep since I was only 4cm. The nurse came in and said the doctor would like to give you a small dose of pitocin to get things regulating since my contractions weren't consistent. Wow did they pick up fast. I tried a few contractions on my hands and knees, I tried sitting up and laying down. I tried standing and felt like I was about to collapse. The rocking chair helped the most because I would sway with my breathing. Then my legs began to shake and breathing became much much harder. I wanted to go natural but I started thinking I can't do this I just can't.
I started feeling a ton of pressure like I was getting close but it hadn't been that long. I was like there is no way I can do this for another 10 hours or maybe even longer. The nurse checked and didn't say anything... she grabbed another nurse who then checked me twice. They said I was 9cm! I felt like my body was pushing on its own, like I had no control. She checked me again after one contraction to be sure and said try pushing just a little. She said two more contractions and you're ready to push. WHAT? Omg, it was happening. It felt so unreal. I had no choice, I was gonna do this! Crazy. The doctor came in and within 5 or 6 contractions she was here! I pushed for about 30 minutes. And just like that, she's here.
Sophie Li Muir
Sunday February 16th, 2020
20 inches, 7lbs 10oz
Definitely not the easiest two days of my life but God gave so much grace and I felt way better than I ever would have imagined it would have been like. We walked around, ate lots of yummy food and had the best visitors.
I'm doing pretty great physically. Only one stitch. No swelling or hemorrhoids. Not getting a lot of sleep but have way more energy than feels possible. Thank you God. Not doing great emotionally postpartum... My heart is so happy and full but my body is very all over the place. I know God's got me and it will pass. Pray for peace for me!
Thank youuu for all the prayers and sweet thoughts! We definitely feel loved and are surrounded by the best family and friends.
Sophie is a champion sleeper!! She wasn't the greatest eater the first two days because she was just so sleepy. Doctor said in her defense her cheeks make it harder hahaha. Once we actually get her awake after stripping her down, tickling her, making her dance and stretch and a wet cold cloths she's a good little eater. She's now doing great at home and almost back to her birth weight. She lost 10oz... But so so happy she's doing well now. She passed all her exams and appointments with flying colors!
She seriously is being the best! She barely ever ever cries. She loves to be held and snuggled. Love her sweet cheeks that bounce when we drive. Her eyes are so beautiful. Ahhh we love her so much. I knew I'd love her this much, but I just can't believe she's here already.
All ready to go home!
Welcome home baby girl! Mommy & Daddy love you so stinking much. We thank God for you and can't wait to live life with you.