I have two diaper bags I absolutely love!!! They're different styles and sizes so they're both perfect for different stages of life and different occasions/days!
The one I started out with is my Joone bag! They just rebranded and are called Maden bags now. It's absolutely gorgeous and vegan leather. It looks like a purse so its great for a wedding or if you wanna blend in a little more. However it was a little small for all the things I needed for a newborn! So I'll definitely be using that a little later when I don't need as much stuff for Sophie & me.
My Kinwell is amazing! It has more pockets than a girl could dream of! It holds everything you need when you need multiple outfits and allll the things with a newborn.
Both bags were gifted to me by these incredible companies! Happy to send any mamas videos of the details of either bag!
Now onto the real point of this! What's in my bag!
For Baby
Diapers & wipes of course! I love Pampers Pure & Water Wipes or Young Living Seedlings Wipes. (PSA: Do not get, I repeat do not get Seventh Generation Diapers! They are terrible. They leak every time, they're huge, they're low quality and feel uncomfortable and they smell weird...) And don't be afraid to "hide" a few extra diapers in your car just incase you forget to restock your bag. Trust me, it'll happen once!
Diaper cream & Vaseline! I use Young Living's Seedlings line. I especially put this on at night. I used Vaseline on her dry hands and feet and around her legs where the diaper rubbed because her skin was cracking. It was so sad and lotion wasn't thick enough.
Changing pad! I love my Gathre
Swaddle for the first few weeks! When I was going to my parents I would swaddle her to keep her warm and snuggly. Now I don't really need one. But I keep one in my car just in case.
Pacifier. Sophie only took the kind the hospital gave me. So far that is. Hoping she'll like the Bib's ones soon.
Carrier. I have either a Solly wrap or a Wildbird in my bag! Both are amazing and I'll be posting soon about the pros and cons to both.
Change of clothes, multiple actually. Newborns poop, pee and spit up a lot in the first few weeks so definitely have a few outfits. Sophie was born in the winter so I kept A LOT outfits/layers in my bag. Don't forget a pair of extra socks!
Split up cloth! I like to keep this on the outer pocket of my bag to its easy to grab at any second haha.
Nursing cover/car seat cover Definitely get some practice with the nursing cover before going out because man its hard to use the first few times. Like you make a mess ALL OVER THE PLACE!
For Mama
I like to keep my phone, wallet and keys in a front pocket or an easy access section. The last thing you wanna be doing is shuffling around for your keys when you are holding the carseat, the diaper bag and who knows what else.
Lip balm!!! I like to keep this close! As well as lotion.
Snacks! And a lot of them. You need snacks the first few weeks or sure especially if you're breastfeeding.
Hand sanitizer! Thieves mini bottles are amazing and don't dry out your hands as much.
Pads/panty liners for the first few weeks
Nipple pads and nipple butter. If you are planning on breastfeeding and you go anywhere you will need these. I leaked a TON the first few days and weeks my milk supply came in. Having a wet bra is very very uncomfortable.
Change of clothes for you! I kept this in my car however just incase she spit up bad or I leaked a ton. Didn't end up needing it ever but every baby is different.
Bottom line you'll find out what you need and don't need as time goes on! Every mama and baby are so different so stock up and take out things as you find you don't need them. You can always store extras in canvas bag in your car. I keep an extra sling, blanket, outfit and some diapers and wipes just incase! I hope this post has helped you. I'd love to know what you mamas put in your diaper bags!